I’m a yogi, podcast host, musician, seeker, and a dedicated champion of the men’s rewilding movement.

I’ve spent the last 20 years travelling the world studying with powerful teachers learning potent sexual techniques that helped me overcome porn addiction & premature ejaculation.

I’ve combined the best of the best, most effective male sexual tools and techniques into one powerful program that makes these ancient teachings accessible and easy to learn for all men.

“I used to be a heavy-set, porn-addicted, depressed man. Now I’m in the best shape of my life and living my dream life thanks to Sexual Kung Fu & Kundalini Yoga. It is my goal to share these ancient technologies with as many men as I can.”

Will Blunderfield, CEO Manhood Academy

Will is one of few certified Sexual Kung Fu teachers:

Will Blunderfield’s EROTIC REWILDING™️ Method

The Erotic Rewilding™️ method, developed by the pioneering naked mens work educator Will Blunderfield, focuses on promoting masculinity, sexual pleasure and empowerment through self-exploration and self-pleasure techniques in the presence of other males. Here’s a brief outline:

  1. Body Awareness: The method emphasizes developing a deep understanding and appreciation of one’s own body, including genital anatomy and erogenous zones.
  2. Self-Exploration: Males are encouraged to explore their own bodies through masturbation in a safe bro bonding container, without shame or judgment, to discover what feels pleasurable and satisfying to them and in such a fashion as to reawaken the Testiculum (the broey erotic platonic comfort of communal testicular activation).
  3. Breath, Visualization, Embodiment and Relaxation: Blunderfield emphasizes the importance of deep breathing and relaxation while embodying ancient male fertility archetypes such as the Celtic Cernunnos to enhance erotic bliss and reduce performance anxiety.
  4. Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness during sexual activities helps individuals stay present in the moment and fully experience sensations without distractions.
  5. Sensate Focus: This technique involves focusing on sensory experiences and touch to enhance intimacy and connection with oneself or a partner.
  6. Communication: Open and honest communication about desires, boundaries, and preferences is essential for creating fulfilling erotic experiences.

Overall, the Erotic Rewilding™️ method encourages men to embrace their sexuality, cultivate self-confidence, and prioritize bliss and penile/testicular consciousness anchoring in their sexual experiences and everyday lives. It promotes an eroticism-positive attitude and emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and self-love.

Sex Kung Fu

What is Sexual Kung Fu?

Kung means practice and Fu is skill. Sexual Kung Fu, the skillful practice of sex, is essentially the Chinese form of Orgasmic Yoga.

“It’s dearmoring, and it’s breaking down the barriers between gay and straight and bi, and just becoming real men. Real men that are in this shit together. And it’s also breaking down the barriers between competition and comparison. There’s too much comparison which is keeping people weak, and there’s too much competition on the back of that.” – Silver Storic

Practice consists of cultivating high levels of energy through the systematic process of arousal. Tools of breathing and mindfulness are then utilized to circulate that energy throughout the body and brain. Weekly Sunday class on Zoom 10:30am pst:

Sexual Kung Fu Sudays on Zoom, ticket link above 👆

Semen Retention Training

I run the global online mens work & tantra school MANHOOD ACADEMY.

My main aim is to share ancient teachings from China and India to help you increase the size of your penis, increase your erection quality, improve your sexual performance and stamina and of course improve your overall confidence, health and well-being. ⁣ ⁣ From Japan to India, I’ve spent much of the last 11 years travelling the world doing teacher trainings and studying under powerful teachers learning these techniques from the realms of Kundalini Yoga, Taoist Qi Gong, Breathwork, Herbology, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and Sociology & Psychology of Sexuality. ⁣ ⁣ In my courses and classes, I have combined the best of the best, most effective male sexual tools and techniques into one powerful program that makes these ancient teachings accessible and easy to learn for all men.⁣

Cold exposure, nutrition, breathwork, sexual kung fu, reflexology, acu tapping, yoga, rewilding, nakedness, and releasing of the Dominator System’s emasculating programming fuse together to create THE WILD MASCULINE COURSE designed for hetero and fluid males. As we heal our own sex/glandular system/psyches, we help to heal the entire planet!

One on One Training

I offer one-on-one zoom training in Sexual Kung Fu for men. Reach out to me here if you’re interested!

– Experienced Yoga Teacher (E-RYT) with Yoga Alliance
– Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher Levels 1 & 2 (Kundalini Research Institute)
– Inner Engineering & Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya (Sadhguru, ISHA Foundation)
– Compassionate Inquiry Training (Dr. Gabor Maté) 
– Universal Healing Tao (Mantak Chia, Loren Johnson) / Taoist Sexual Practices: 5000-years old Secrets of Love (Mantak Chia)
– B.A. Psychology; Double Minor: Critical Studies in Sexuality (CSIS) & Food, Nutrition & Health (University of British Columbia)
– Germanic New Medicine Level 1, International Germanic New Medicine Conference
– Speech Level Singing & Vocal Production (Seth Riggs, vocal coach of Michael Jackson, Ray Charles, Alicia Keys)
– Integrated Acting & Performance Professional Training (American Musical & Dramatic Academy)
– Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher (The Centre for Mindfulness Studies)
– Herbology (Wild Rose College)
– Reiki Therapist Level 1 (Usui Shiki Ryoho, Associação Brasileira de Reiki)
– Dr. Joe Dispenza (Progressive & Intensive Courses)

“In Will’s courses I can awaken the masculine part of myself, and I can show up for myself for LIFE. That’s why I’m inviting you guys. All the men, enroll in Sexual Kung Fu training to awaken the wild side of yourself!”

Diego Cesar, International Yoga Teacher

Book a consultation today.

Message me here to learn more about my coaching and rates!


“If you’re thinking about working with Will Blunderfield, I recommend it. I’m Alex the Comic, the founder of Infinite Man Summit, and he’s come to our events to teach Naked Men’s Yoga & Sexual Kung Fu. Everybody loves him! He brings a great energy, he’s really passionate about what he does, and I love the guy and so should you! Have fun with him!” – Alex The Comic, world class personal development coach, speaker, and YouTuber

“Brother! Thank you so much I really enjoy these classes. A lot of these exercises I know but the way you tie it all together so seamlessly and the way that you do it so shamelessly is extremely powerful and I just wanted to for that… taking time to honor myself. Just finding this time/this space with this wild baby has been a challenge… but I’m standing strong for what I need to do for my health, and for myself, and for my cock and my balls, and loving myself in the deepest way. So thank you thank you thank you for holding the light that you do brother.” – Alexander E. Hill, Founder/Leader of Man Tribe

“It’s dearmoring, and it’s breaking down the barriers between gay and straight and bi, and just becoming real men. Real men that are in this shit together. And it’s also breaking down the barriers between competition and comparison. There’s too much comparison which is keeping people weak, and there’s too much competition on the back of that.” – Silver Storic

“I love your Sexual Kung Fu classes. For some reason I always recieve more attention for women afterwards.” – Brad

“Going into the session I was a bit nervous, but it was a great experience and I felt great energy and human connection. Will was an amazing instructor and guided us through the class in an awesome way! Looking forward to next time!” – Dr. John Hickey

“I just tried the sexual techniques Will taught at Infinite Man Summit. (Self massage and How to hold your semen with using breathwork). My mind was blown how my body reacted to it! And I feel 10 times more masculine and suuuuper relaxed right now. Every man needs to get private mentoring from Will!” – Stefan Iverson

“My partner and I attended a Sexual Kung Fu and Tantra for Males session with Will Blunderfield in Vancouver on Sunday (along with a clothing-optional kundalini yoga session) and came away refreshed, empowered, and happy.“ – Mark

“I felt quite empowered and vitality flowing through me since your Sexual Kung Fu session yesterday. Thank you.” – Kevin

“Hey Will,

Amazing to meet you at Infinite Man Summit. You made the event truly special and helped a lot of people (myself included) reach a new level of themselves.

Naked Yoga and Sexual Kung Fu have been my conversation piece for the last two weeks.” – Alex Stridehouse

“Thank you for the brilliant tantric cultivation, seual kung fu and naked yoga sessions this morning. It certainly was a unique & intense experience where I felt connected with myself and with the other brothers who attended.” – Sunil K.

“Great sexual king fu/naked men’s yoga session thanks. I also love your wisdom, took away many pearls. When you talked about being whole yourself and not looking for someone to complete you. That resonates so well with me… I no longer feel I need to try to fit someone’s ideals of beauty etc. And I feel so much more confident now. Being naked surrounded by others helps. Also I’ve had a stressful back to work week physically and everything feels so good after the session.” – male participant

“Will’s Sexual Kung Fu class is life-changing. We are creating a brotherhood of spiritual men, that is amazing! We’re awakening the Divine Masculine part of ourself that is sleeping in every human being, in every man out there. So for me, it was life-changing, transforming. I felt reborn when I was there the very first time. It’s awesome. I could really feel ALIVE!

All my life I tried to hide and only show my “cool” side that is not really me. Everyone I met in my life, every friend, I tried to be cool. I tried to be “not me.” I was like “oh I can’t say that now, I can’t be like that, because what would they think?” Crazy!… But I tell you in this class I can awaken the masculine part of myself, and I can show up for myself for LIFE. That’s why I’m inviting you guys. All the men, try to get to Sexual Kung Fu to awaken the wild side of yourself!” – Diego Cesar, Yoga Teacher

“Thank you so much brother! My heart is filled with joy and gratitude for you leading us men into our greatness.” – Andre

“Thanks man that was eye opening. That completely destroyed my world like Ayahuasca.” – Jojo

“You are doing a great job expressing yourself in an authentic way! You are shaking up guys’ worlds in the Western world and it’s needed! Keep up your great work!” – Eddie

“I loved it. Truly. Made me cry. To have that connection with guys. I’ve been doing these things myself for so many years. But no one to really share it with.

So from now. I’m not holding back. Gonna spread it.” – David, Sweden

“That was great. It was less weird than I thought being naked like that with other men. It also got me out if my comfort zone, which was cool. And the cold shower. I’ve been trying to do that for months and I did it today finally.” – Matthew, NYC

“Thanks so much for the wonderful class! I felt so energized and invigorated afterwards! Been practicing nofap and semen retention for the past few weeks (although with some edging) and I felt like this class helped me to channel my sexual energy better with more love rather than just focusing on elements of pleasure and release.” – Suraj

“I just made love with a really close friend. Feels like the first time I have had REAL sexual connection in awhile. Had complete control over my ejaculation and even decided to not ejaculate during or after the intercourses. Retaining and transmuting this energy. Feeling incredible. Thank you for educating and inspiring me to regain my sexual power ☯️

Many people will benefit from learning the truth. Porn and excessive ejaculation drains our CHI (life force) and limits our capabilities to reach TRUE sexual intimacy rooted in unconditional love without any expectation.” – Matthew

“You are a great teacher, brother. Powerful Wolf Medicine runs through you. I’m so grateful to Great Spirit we decided to incarnate together to destroy the predator system thats been plaguing the planet for a very long time.

The time is NOW to align with a new Way.

My Divine Masculine does not consent.

I am free

I am sovereign.

I am Spirit.

Aho!” – Dimitri

“The dopamine breathing was INSANE! My whole body vibrated with cosmic joy. Full body orgasms by just breathing YO!” – James

“I had the best interaction with a new girl yesterday too. Was a walk and talk, but I felt so powerful and grounded for her. Crazy how the work we did yesterday morning translated to that.” – Martin

“I wanted to share that I undertook your awesome dick swinging, belly slapping breathwork meditation today before my yoga practice.

With my body being more readily attuned to the movement after practice with you, I found that my my mind easily stepped aside and let the body follow its own path.

With no gremlins of shame to arise around ideas of ‘appropriate behaviour’ and the taboo of arousal and sensual joy on camera among other men blocking my experience I found that the kundalini soon was flowing freely and my pleasure centres pulsated with a beautiful, flowing energy orgasm.

I’m looking forward to delving more deeply into this form and unearthing the different layers of pleasure that can be aroused and accessed via this activating practice.

With deepest gratitude my brother.” – Mat